Increase IOU NVRAM Size - 91Sec


Learning, Sharing, Creating

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Increase IOU NVRAM Size

Bu default IOU image NVRAM size is small not enough for complicated topology.

Router#dir nvram:
Directory of nvram:/

    6  -rw-        1636                    <no date>  startup-config
    7  ----           5                    <no date>  private-config
    1  ----          38                    <no date>  persistent-data

8192 bytes total (5475 bytes free)

Usage: <image> [options] <application id>
<image>: unix-js-m | unix-is-m | unix-i-m | ...
<application id>: instance identifier (0 < id <= 1024)
-e <n>          Number of Ethernet interfaces (default 2)
-s <n>          Number of Serial interfaces (default 2)
-n <n>          Size of nvram in Kb (default 16K)
-c <name>       Configuration file name
-d              Generate debug information
-t              Netio message trace
-q              Suppress informational messages
-h              Display this help
-C              Turn off use of host clock
-m <n>          Megabytes of router memory (default 64)
-L              Disable local console, use remote console
-u <n>          UDP port base for distributed networks

so add IOU option -n64 into command which allows NVRAM increased to 64K.
#!/bin/bash../wrapper-linux -m ../i86bi_linux-adverterprisek9-ms -p 2001 -- 1 -n64> /dev/null 2>&1 &
Now looks what we got for NVRAM.

Router#dir nvram:
Directory of nvram:/

   29  -rw-        1636                    <no date>  startup-config
   30  ----           5                    <no date>  private-config
    1  ----          38                    <no date>  persistent-data

32768 bytes total (30051 bytes free)

Now should be enough for certification importing to test PKI.

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