Thycotic Secret Server Advanced Knowledges: Clusters, DE, Unix Protection, API, Scripting, SDK, Troubleshooting - 91Sec


Learning, Sharing, Creating

Monday, June 28, 2021

Thycotic Secret Server Advanced Knowledges: Clusters, DE, Unix Protection, API, Scripting, SDK, Troubleshooting


 This post summarizes some Thycotic SS knowledges which considered as advanced level. 

Cluster + Load Balacner

Ensuring Client IPs are Passed to Secret Server for Audit Logs

As of Secret Server 10.5, you can manage X-Forwarded-For settings directly through the hidden Advanced configuration URL. This should be set first before finalizing your load balancer configuration. This is the only setting that needs altered on the web application/Secret Server side. It has been observed to be case sensitive, so please enter exactly as seen below. Example URL:

Change IP Address Header from <Not Set> to X-Forwarded-For

Distributed Engine

Distributed Engines provide scalability for large or distributed organizations

  • Leverage Secret Server for Privileged Account Management at remote offices & locations
  • Large environments (50k+ endpoints) require more processing power from Secret Server
  • Organization wants to manage remote networks (private cloud or DMZ)

Distributed Engine supports:

  • Discovery
  • Active password rotation (on-demand & scheduled)
  • Active Directory Integration
  • Heartbeat
  • Proxying

Unix Protection

SSH Key management

SS Unix Protection - Allowed Command Menus

• Restrict!ßommands per user or group

  • On the Secret or by Policy

• Launched Sessions only have access to the menu

• Format

name = command variables

  • Name

The name the user will type to execute the menu option

May not contain white space characters . 

  • Command
    • Command sent through SSH to the remote server

    • Must be a command that is accessible by the user


  • Variables that are passed into the command run on the remote server
  • Names are to help what is expected.

Secret Server: SSH Endpoint

• Allows access to secrets through an SSH session

  • • Find existing secrets
  • • View existing secrets
  • • Launch an SSH æoxy session using a secret

• Uses a Linux like commands

• Eases access to secret server from Unix/Linux machine

SSH Key Dependencies

API's and Scripting


REST API documentation for Thycotic Secret Server 

  • Documentation for REST API using tkarer token authentication
  • Documentation tor token authentication
  • Documentation for REST API using Windows integrated authentication


Secret Server

  • • Remote Password Changing
  • • Creating Rules in Discovery
  • • Ticket Integration
  • • Dependencies
  • • Web Password Filler

Privilege Manager

  • . Filters
  • . Policies

Software Development Kit (SDK)

SDK Client Command-Line Tool

  • Retrieve Secret values from Secret Server programmatically
  • Integrate with scripts and build tools
  • Fine-grained access control
  • Secure configuration storage
  • Available in Secret Server 10.4
  • Supports Windows, Linux, MacOS

SDK Client Example Scenarios

• Accessing authenticated resources from within a script

• Deploying build artifacts from a CI/CD process

• Deploying credentials to client machines using a configuration management tool

• Building containers with credentials baked in

SS and Service Now Integration

Troubleshooting Basic Configurations in SS

This module will cover: Users, Groups, Roles, and Role Permissions Best Practices

User - Named account used to login to Secret Server.

Groups — Organize users to efficiently assign privileges in Secret Server

Role — Controls what a user can do within the Secret Server application.

Role Permissions — Individual permissions assigned to a Role. Without permission a role is powerless.

Troubleshooting Summary

Basic Configuration

  • Roles, Groups, and Users should be reviewed regularly
  • Use Event Subscriptions to alert on any changes made to Basic Configurations
  • Always review default settings and confirm if they can be customized
  • Using the Hybrid approach will minimize consequences if users are incorrectly synced to Secret Server

Troubleshooting Secrets and Secret Template

Troubleshooting Summary

Secrets and Secret Templates

  • Secrets are created from Secret Templates
  • Templates can be configured by Administrators or Template Owners
  • Changes to Templates effect all Secrets leveraging the Template
  • Setup event subscriptions for changes made to Templates

Troubleshooting Auditing and Reporting

Reports are on Demand or Scheduled:

• Dozens of Out-Of-The-Box Reportb

• Create Custom Reports with SQL

Reports answer a specific question — What Secrets or Folders can a user see..etc

Troubleshooting Summary

Auditing and Reporting

  • By default, Secret Server does not delete any audit data
  • Data deletion occurs automatically at 2:00 am EST every Sunday
  • Do not configure automatic record deletion for compliance or other important data
  • Unlimited Admin role doesn't include audit data retention management

Troubleshooting Discovery

Troubleshooting Summary


  • Always review Secret Server Discovery logs for reoccurring errors
  • Be aware of logs that exist outside of Secret Server such as Engine Logs
  • Schedule Reports accounts that failed b or are pending an import so you can resolve issues as soon as possible
  • Always review most up-to date permissions needed to perform Discovery with Secret Server

Troubleshooting Remote Password Changing

Secret Server has the ability to automatically change passwords

  • Bulk on demand — When an employee is leaving the organization or a breach is detected
  • On a schedule — TO meet compliance mandates or enforce security best practices

Troubleshooting Launchers

Troubleshooting Summary


  • Launchers can be customized to work with any command-line-started application
  • Always confirm applications are mapped properly for all client machines that will be leveraging Custom Launchers
  • Don't forget to add the program folder in the PATH environment variable
  • Each custom Launcher will have unique requirements — Review the support portal for most up to date configuration steps

Troubleshooting Session Recording

Recording and Monitoring Sessions initiated within Secret Server or from the Target System:

  • Produces a screen capture (pic) every second, rolls it up into video
  • Allows for real-time monitoring and creates a video audit trail
  • Allows for Live messaging & session termination

Troubleshooting Summary

Session Recording and Monitoring

  • Schedule Reports Session Recording Errors so you can resolve issues as soon as possible
  • Always review most up-to date system requirements needed to record sessions with Secret Server
  • Understand unique configuration options that can be configured within Secret Server's configuration files
  • Remember to restart IIS after making changes to Secret Server architecture components

Troubleshooting Distributed Engine

Troubleshooting Summary

Distributed Engine

  • Always review Secret Server logs for reoccurring errors
  • Beoware of logs that exist outside of Secret Server such as Engine Logs
  • Schedule Reports that show engine status in your environment
  • Always review most up-to date Roles/Features needed to use Distributed Engine in Secret Server

Troubleshooting SS Upgrading

Troubleshooting Summary

Distributed Engine

  • Always review Secret Server logs for reoccurring errors
  • Beaware of logs that exist outside of Secret Server such as Engine Logs
  • Schedule Reports that show engine status in your environment
  • Always review most up-to date Roles/Features needed to use Distributed Engine in Secret Server


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