Thycotic Secret Server Discovery - 91Sec


Learning, Sharing, Creating

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Thycotic Secret Server Discovery

 What is discovery in Thycotic Secret Server:

  • Discovery finds secrets in an IT environment and imports them into secret server.
  • Secret server is most effective when it covers all privileged accounts
  • Discovery helps to eliminate,
    • Unknown privileged accounts
    • Backdoor Access
    • Gaps in security
  • Auditors want automated processes to reduce human mistakes

Discovery types


  • AD (using LDAPs and WMI)
    • Domain Computers' local accounts
    • Domain accounts
    • Domain accounts running 
      • Window Services
      • Scheduled Tasks
      • IIS Application Pools
      • IIS Application Pool Recycles
  • Unix/Linux Local accounts
    • Machines - finds out Operating System first then local accounts
    • Non-Daemon Users - most other user accounts
    • All users - built-in accounts
    • Scanning accounts
      • need to be able to connect over ssh
      • read /etc/passwd
      • minimum permissions for taking over account during import sudoer permissions
      • sudoer permissions on /etc/passwd
    • Define host range
      • IP address
      • Host name
      • IP address range
  • Hypervisor ESXi accounts
    • vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 release 2 - API installed on your Secret server
    • PowerShell 3 or greater on your secret server
    • Scanning accounts
      • Shell Access
      • Query VRM policy permission
    • Define host range
      • IP address
      • Host name
      • IP address range
  • Amazon Web services
    • AWS accounts
      • AWS access key
      • AWS console account
    • one secret using Amazon IAM secret template
    • Amazon IAM access key permissions
      • Iam:ListUsers
      • Iam:GetLoginProfile
      • Iam:ListAccessKeys
  • Google Cloud platform
    • Discovery and password changing of IAM service account users
    • Discovery of instances associated to the projects
    • Heartbeat and password changing of GCP service accounts
    • Token rotation for GCP service accounts

Custom (Extensible)

  • Anything - leverages PowerShell scripts
  • SQL accounts & DB links
  • Networking equipment
  • Embedded password

Accounts Discovery Flow Charts

AD accounts discovery flow chart:

Unix/Linux accounts discovery flow chart:

Vmware ESX/ESXi accounts discovery flow chart:

AWS accounts discovery flow chart:

GCP accounts discovery flow chart:

Steps to Use Discovery

1 Enable Globally

2 Configure Settings

3 Add Discovery Sources and Rules

Active Directory Discovery Setting

Note: If Discover Specific OU enabled, you will need to define Domain Scope in the next tab. The domain scope is for OU, not CN. Once a parent OU added in, all child OUs are included into discovery as well.

4 Run Discovery

5 Import Accounts

Set up a scheduled task to test service account

Troubleshooting - Discovery

Identify the issue(s):

  • Discovery logs: admin -> Discovery -> Discovery logs and Computer Scan logs
  • System logs: admin -> system logs
  • Distributed Engine Logs: C:\Program Files -> Thycotic Software Ltd -> Distributed Engine -> Log -> SSDE file -> at the bottom of the file

Find the solution(s):

  • Review the account running engine service
  • Confirm the account has the appropriate permissions
  • Compare this account to the account be used for discovery


Scanning Account's Permission:

  1. Make the account e able to log on as service
  2. Grant the account read, write, and execute privileges to the entire distributed engine install directory and sub-folders
  3. Add the account to the administrators group on each computer that will be scanned
  4. same account as you run Distributed Engine Service. 

Example: Error!

Exception: Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLISID from <machine> failed due to error: 80070005

Filter Discover Report

Show a report to see all unmanaged accounts:

/*  Domain accounts discovered in Secret Server that are not managed in Secret Server  */

/*  To filter the results to only a specific OU, uncomment out the
AND ou.Path = 'SpecificOU\SpecificOU'
line and change SpecificOU\SpecificOU to the folder path for the OU to filter  */

/*  To include a specific OU and its sub-OUs, uncomment out the AND ou.Path line
and edit it to
AND ou.Path CONTAINS 'SpecificOU\SpecificOU'
and change SpecificOU\SpecificOU to the folder path for the OU to filter  */

    isnull(Domain,ds.Name) AS 'Discovery Source / Domain'
    ,ca.AccountName AS 'Account Name'
FROM tbComputerAccount ca
    INNER JOIN tbDiscoverySource ds on ca.DiscoverySourceId = ds.DiscoverySourceId
    LEFT JOIN tbDomain d ON d.DomainId = ds.DomainId
    LEFT JOIN tbOrganizationUnit ou ON ou.OrganizationUnitId = ca.OrganizationUnitId
    LEFT JOIN tbSecret s ON s.ComputerAccountId = ca.ComputerAccountId
WHERE ds.Active = 1
    AND ((d.EnableDiscovery is null) OR (d.EnableDiscovery = 1))
    AND s.ComputerAccountId IS NULL
    AND ca.OrganizationUnitId IS NOT NULL
/*    AND ou.Path = 'SpecificOU\SpecificOU'  */
GROUP BY isnull(Domain,ds.Name), ou.Path, ca.AccountName
    HAVING COUNT(ca.AccountName) > 0
    1,2,3 ASC

    tc.DiscoverySourceId AS 'DiscoverySourceId',
    tds.Name AS 'DiscoverySourceName',
    tca.AccountName AS 'Account',
    tc.ComputerName AS 'Host Name',
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),tc.LastPolledDate,107) AS 'Last Scanned'
        tbComputer tc
        JOIN tbComputerAccount tca
        ON tc.ComputerId=tca.ComputerId
    JOIN tbDiscoverySource tds
    on tc.DiscoverySourceId=tds.DiscoverySourceId
    LEFT JOIN tbSecret ts
    ON ts.ComputerAccountId = tca.ComputerAccountId
    WHERE ts.ComputerAccountId IS NULL
    ORDER BY tca.AccountName asc

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