Install/Register Free Nessus Scanner Essentials and Execute a Vulnerability Scan - 91Sec


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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Install/Register Free Nessus Scanner Essentials and Execute a Vulnerability Scan

Nessus is built from the ground-up with a deep understanding of how security practitioners work. Every feature in Nessus is designed to make vulnerability assessment simple, easy and intuitive. The result: less time and effort to assess, prioritize and remediate issues. Nessus Essentials (formerly Nessus Home) is a free version of the Nessus vulnerability scanner. The activation code does not expire and can be used for as long as needed.

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Nessus Essentials is designed to be used by students, professors and people who are starting their cybersecurity careers to help the next generation to quickly and easily master vulnerability assessment and hone their skills. Every feature makes vulnerability assessment simple, easy and intuitive. With Nessus, you’ll spend less time and effort assessing, prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities so you can stay one step ahead of attackers.

As part of the Nessus family, Nessus® Essentials (formerly Nessus Home) allows you to scan your environment (up to 16 IP addresses per scanner) with the same high-speed, in-depth assessments and agentless scanning convenience that Nessus subscribers enjoy.

Other Limitations:
Nessus Essentials does not allow you to perform compliance checks or content audits, Live Results or use the Nessus virtual appliance.

Features from Nessus Professional:
  • Unlimited IT assessments
  • Use anywhere
  • Configuration assessment
  • Live results
  • Configurable reports
  • Community support
  • Advanced support (available as an option)
  • On-demand training available
  • External Attack Surface Scanning
  • Ability to add domains
  • Scan Cloud Infrastructure
  • 500 prebuilt scanning policies

Similar product : OpenVAS. It can be requested to test the Greenbone Enterprise Feed 14 days for free!
For Community version, it can be installed in a container environment (Docker) or built it from source.

Register for an Activation Code

You can try Nessus Professional Free for 7 days or buy it for CA$4964.39/year. 

Nessus Esstntials:

Or Nessus Essentials for Education:

The activation code will be emailed to your registered email account. 

It is same installation file for Nessus Professional / Expert / Manager / Vulnerability Manager. With different activation code, you will get a different version of Nessus. 

Note: The Activation code provided for Nessus Essentials is for one time use only. If Nessus needs to be reinstalled, a new activation code must be obtained. Offline activation and plugin updates are supported.

Dwonload and Installation

Download Link:  or

Tenable Community
Nessus User Guide
Nessus Essentials Registration
Nessus Installer Download

Start Nessus Installation
  1. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the Nessus installer.
  2. Next, double-click the file name to start the installation process.

Complete the Windows InstallShield Wizard

  1. First, the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Tenable, Inc. Nessus screen appears. Select Next to continue.
  2. On the License Agreement screen, read the terms of the Tenable, Inc. Nessus software license and subscription agreement. 
  3. Select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option, and then click Next.
  4. On the Destination Folder screen, select the Next button to accept the default installation folder. Otherwise, select the Change button to install Nessus to a different folder.
  5. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, select the Install button.

The Installing Tenable, Inc. Nessus screen appears and a Status indication bar shows the installation progress. The process may take several minutes.

After the InstallShield Wizard completes, the Welcome to Nessus page loads in your default browser.

Configure Nessus

When you access Nessus in a browser, a warning appears to regard a connection privacy problem, an untrusted site, an unsecure connection, or a related security certificate issue. This is normal behavior. Nessus provides a self-signed SSL certificate.

Follow the Install Nessus instructions to open to the Welcome to Nessus screen in your browser. 
  1. On the Welcome to Nessus screen, select how you want to install Nessus:

    • Nessus Essentials — The free version of Nessus for educators, students, and hobbyists.
    • Nessus Professional — The de-facto industry standard vulnerability assessment solution for security practitioners.
    • Nessus Expert — The industry leading vulnerability assessment solution for the modern attack surface.
    • Nessus Manager — The enterprise solution for managing Nessus Agents at scale.

  1. Click Continue.

    If you selected Nessus Professional, Nessus Expert, or Nessus Manager, the Register Nessus screen appears.

    If you selected Nessus Essentials, the Get an activation code screen appears.

  2. If you selected Nessus Essentials, do one of the following:

    • If you need an activation code:
      1. On the Get an activation code screen, type your name and email address.
      2. Click Email.
      3. Check your email for your free activation code.
    • If you already have an activation code, click Skip.
  3. On the Register Nessus screen, type your Activation Code.

    The Activation Code is the code you obtained from your activation email or from the Tenable Downloads Page.

  4. Click Continue.

    The Create a user account screen appears.

  5. Create a Nessus administrator user account that you use to log in to Nessus:
    1. In the Username box, enter a username.
    2. In the Password box, enter a password for the user account.

      Note: Passwords cannot contain Unicode characters.

  6. Click Submit.

    Nessus finishes the configuration process, which may take several minutes.

  7. Using the administrator user account you created, Sign In to Nessus.

    Note: When you sign in to Nessus for the first time, you receive the following message: "Plugins are compiling. Nessus functionality will be limited until compilation is complete." You cannot create scans, view policies or plugin rules, or use the upgrade assistant while Nessus compiles plugins.


After registered your Nessus Essential and entered your admin account username and password, it will start initializing , which is to download plugins. It will take quite a few time, more than 30 minutes in certain situation. The free disk space on your installation drive will be at least 30 GB. 

GCE 6.0.10:

Nessus Profession / Expert

Nessus has four soultions:
  • Tenable Vulnerability Management - Subscription - based license
  • Tenable Nessus Professional
  • Tenable Nessus Expert
  • Tenable Nessus Manager (no longer sold after Feb 1, 2018)



Upgarde Nessus to Professional version


Install Nessus

Nessus 安装



根据提示步骤,选择 Managed Scanner





之后会收到一封邮箱邮件,复制邮件里的 Activation Code


再打开 Nessus 本地安装目录,执行CDM命令获取 Challenge Code 值

G:\Nessus>nessuscli.exe fetch --challenge

Challenge code: 17949a66fd9c404d345a9dfb34174743e2dd73f4

You can copy the challenge code above and paste it alongside your
Activation Code at:

访问更新包链地址,将上面获取到的值( Challenge Code 和 Activation Code)填写进去,点击提交, 获取 all-2.0.tar.gz 文件。



将下载好的 all-2.0.tar.gz 文件放到 Nessus 的安装目录下,然后执行如下更新命令(使用管理员身份运行):

C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus>nessuscli.exe update all-2.0.tar.gz

[info] Copying templates version 202305231342 to C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\templates\tmp
[info] Finished copying templates.
[info] Moved new templates with version 202305231342 from plugins dir.
[info] Moved new pendo client with version 21691 from plugins dir.
 * Update successful.  The changes will be automatically processed by Nessus.

Note: It will take a long time to update plugins folder. You can go to plugins folder to check file numbers:   C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\plugins\
It should have more than 160k files. 

注意:更新完漏洞库后,记住version版本号,如上述中的version版本号为202305231342 ,之后破解时会用到这个。


  1. 前往官网下载对应的安装包并进行安装即可。
  2. 下载安装完毕后打开对应的网址,选择Managed Scanner ,再选择,接下来设置你的用户名和密码,等待短暂的校验后进行主页面。
  3. 以管理员身份打开CMD,输入net stop "Tenable Nessus"结束服务。
  4. 前往官网申请用于普通用户的激活码。
  5. CMD中键入"C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus\nessuscli.exe" fetch --challenge获取申请码。
  6. 访问官网分别填入上一步获取到的申请码与邮箱收到的激活码,获取下载链接并下载插件包。
  7. 将下载到的插件包放入C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus目录下。
  8. CMD执行以下命令:
attrib -s -r -h "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\plugins\*.*"
attrib -s -r -h "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\"
"C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus\nessuscli.exe" update "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus\all-2.0.tar.gz"
  1. 待执行完成后,打开C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\目录,将plugin_feed_info.inc中的PLUGIN_FEED = "HomeFeed (Non-commercial use only)";替换为PLUGIN_FEED = "ProfessionalFeed (Direct)";并保存。
  2. CMD中执行以下命令:
copy "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\" "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\plugins"copy "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\" "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\"
attrib +s +r +h "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\plugins\*.*"
attrib +s +r +h "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\"
attrib -s -r -h "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\plugins\"
net start "Tenable Nessus"
  1. 打开Nessus面板,待插件编译完成后,进入SettingsLicensed HostsUnlimited即已成功。
  2. 后续更新插件包时重复3-11操作即可。

 Nessus 破解

修改安装目录下的配置文件,可以用 Everything 工具快速查找到该文件。

  • C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\
  • C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\nessus\plugins\

注意:如果没有找到 文件,那就在相应目录下自己手动新建下就好了。

同时修改这两个目录下的配置文件内容如下,其中PLUGIN_SET的值就是之前更新漏洞库时的版本号 202305231342

  • PLUGIN_SET = "202305231342";
  • PLUGIN_FEED = "ProfessionalFeed (Direct)";
  • PLUGIN_FEED_TRANSPORT = "Tenable Network Security Lightning";


最后,打开系统任务管理器,点击服务栏,找到 Tenable Nessus,鼠标右击点击重新启动即可,由于要加载漏洞库,所以需要耐心等待。

此时,再访问 登录账号后,查看漏洞库已更新至最新版,而且是无限制IP。It might still not working. 

If not working, 停止服务net stop"Tenable Nessus", 将plugin_feed_info.inc和plugins拷贝到安装目录nessus\nessus路径下进行替换
attrib +s +r +h “E:\software\nessus\nessus\plugins\*.*”
attrib +s +r +h “E:\software\nessus\nessus\”
attrib -s -r -h “E:\software\nessus\nessus\plugins\”
启动服务net start "Tenable Nessus"。

nessuscli.exe fetch --register-offline nessus.license







  • Install Nessus on Windows
  • Nessus Tutorials :

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