- - SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987
- - Public access Linux system. Your non-profit shell provider since 2002.
Register an account
Log In
After registered an account, you will be able to use your own or online ssh client to log into it.┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ • MobaXterm Professional Edition v22.1 • │
│ (SSH client, X server and network tools) │
│ │
│ ⮞ SSH session to │
│ • Direct SSH : ✓ │
│ • SSH compression : ✓ │
│ • SSH-browser : ✓ │
│ • X11-forwarding : ✗ (disabled or not supported by server) │
│ │
│ ⮞ For more info, ctrl+click on help or visit our website. │
└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ [ 'jy' will expire in 365 days - Please 'validate' your account soon ] Please press your BACKSPACE key:
│ • MobaXterm Professional Edition v22.1 • │
│ (SSH client, X server and network tools) │
│ │
│ ⮞ SSH session to │
│ • Direct SSH : ✓ │
│ • SSH compression : ✓ │
│ • SSH-browser : ✓ │
│ • X11-forwarding : ✗ (disabled or not supported by server) │
│ │
│ ⮞ For more info, ctrl+click on help or visit our website. │
[ 'jy' will expire in 365 days - Please 'validate' your account soon ]
Please press your BACKSPACE key:
SDF host uptime report for Seattle WA, Dallas TX (USA) and Germany (EU)
Please use '' for general access
9p up 26+21:54, 16 users, load: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
aNONradio up 134+6:00, 24 users, load: 0.16, 0.17, 0.15
beastie up 42+12:10, 18 users, load: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
faeroes up 134+00:12, 69 user, load: 0.20, 0.24, 0.24
iceland up 134+00:04, 51 users, load: 0.26, 0.28, 0.27
jitsi up 32+22:55, 4 users, load: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
ma up 63+16:14, 85 users, load: 3.91, 3.54, 3.53
mastodon up 139+21:33, 862 users, load: 1.85, 1.92, 2.06
matrix up 11+22:07, 227 users, load: 0.70, 0.41, 0.51
mc up 63+16:20, 2 users, load: 3.46, 3.50, 3.52
miku up 108+23:07, 3 users, load: 3.85, 3.63, 3.66
mx up 120+21:09, 334 users, load: 1.98, 1.79, 1.47
norge up 42+12:19, 85 users, load: 0.09, 0.08, 0.08
otaku up 134+00:00, 42 users, load: 0.31, 0.21, 0.22
rie up 133+23:57, 202 user, load: 0.52, 0.57, 0.57
sdf up 20+18:57, 137 users, load: 0.63, 0.67, 0.80
sdfeu up 98+11:21, 133 users, load: 2.69, 2.60, 2.58
sverige up 42+12:21, 26 users, load: 0.09, 0.11, 0.08
vps3 up 221+1:45, 20 users, load: 3.70, 2.11, 1.38
vps9 up 81+16:46, 9 users, load: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
2349 total
The Moon is Waning Gibbous (78% of Full)
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|@ @@@ ` o . @@ . Last Quarter -
| @@ @ .-. @@@ 3 1:57:43
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[09-Sep-22 17:47:51 abortretryfail abortretryfail EL87]
% Greetings from the Mac Color Classic. :)
[12-Sep-22 00:25:04 slothrop mobb_solo N. Loop Austin]
% Live Music @ Monkeywrench Booksellers 8pm ▒🧨
[18-Sep-22 05:05:57 qiqi Kusanalika Xamarin (initial) ]
% Thanks for this. Well I use Indonesia main language using script and not all use Indonesia main language. Memang agak sulit untuk menerjemahkan.
[23-Sep-22 11:20:54 claudiom claudiom work]
% Happy Friday from UTC-4!
[23-Sep-22 14:58:35 charmquark charmquark Earth]
% Running my own unix server... nevermore?
[27-Sep-22 14:40:26 unixen Unixen The last Frontier]
% Wish I had found this a long time ago, but glad I am here now
[02-Oct-22 21:30:21 billybigbagels Billy Los Angeles, CA]
% It was a fun ride Overwatch 1, you will be missed...
[03-Oct-22 14:21:07 skylar skylar ]
% command line!
[03-Oct-22 17:29:55 isk isk Los Angeles]
% The trap appears to be disarmed.
[06-Oct-22 05:03:22 geoffo Geoff Oliver Colorado Springs, CO]
% Very cool stuff!!!
[07-Oct-22 08:48:31 devhackvps devhackvps The End Of Space]
% lol free email address + free computer
[09-Oct-22 04:09:32 burgertron cheesy server 'closet']
% got a server with a buttload of ram, getting freebsd going with samba and doing apple mdm stuff, may write something
[09-Oct-22 09:13:02 tusharhero tusharhero India]
% Hello I am under water here too much raininig ðŸ˜
[09-Oct-22 14:00:29 tusharhero Depressed JEE aspirant India]
% I have been trying to complete my homeowrk for 6 hours now
[09-Oct-22 14:20:54 railey ree Internet]
% what's the meaning of life?
[10-Oct-22 13:48:30 abortretryfail AbortRetryFail EL87]
% What is love? Baby don't hurt me... Don't hurt me, no more.
[13-Oct-22 14:17:24 cberce Chris Zurich, Switzerland]
% gruezi mitanand :)
7304 guestbook entries.
Type 'help' for Commands.
Type 'com' to chat with other users.
Type 'ttytter' to listen to Twitter Tweets anonymously.
Type 'mud' to play the SDFmud.
Type 'mkhomepg' to set up your personal website.
Did you know you can become a permanent LIFETIME member of SDF
by making a onetime donation of $36? Type 'arpa' for more info!
You can easily use help command to get the list for all available commands:faeroes:/sdf/udd/j/jo> help
what - what can I use this account for?
unix - a listing of UNIX commands available to you NOW
how - information on increasing membership
teach - using SDF in a classroom setting
dialup - information about SDF dialup service
arpa - about lifetime arpa membership
bboard - sdf user message boards
commode - chat with other users online
ysm - chat on the ICQ network
bsflite - chat on the AIM network
msnre - chat on the MSN network
ttytter - listen to Twitter tweets anonymously
lynx - browse the WWW textually or access GOPHER
bksp - set your BACKSPACE key
software - display software programs installed on the system
quote - get a real time stock quote
games - a listing of available games
thxmoo - connect to the THXMOO
mud - connect to the SDFmud
validate - gain additional shell access (also try 'user' for details)
faeroes:/sdf/udd/j/jo> unix
UNIX command summary
cd {dir} - Change Directory
pwd - print working (current) directory
ls - LiSt directory (try ls -la)
cat {file} - conCATenate (view) a file
mkdir {name} - create a directory
rm {file} - remove a file or directory
mv {file) - move a file or directory
chmod perm {file} - set permission bits for a file or directory
edit {file} - edit a file in your directory
ps - Process Status (try ps -aux)
passwd - Change your password
disk - show current disk usage
uptime - show system status
df - print system storage
freeirc - IRC access is free on Sundays
profiles - Join the ASCII social network
dict {word} - query the online dictionary
cal - calendar (try 'cal 1752')
finger {user} - show info about a user (try who or w)
chfn - change your full name
chsh - change your shell
ping {host} - test network connectivity to a host
traceroute {host} - view the route to a remote host
man {cmd} - read a manual page for a command.
dig / host - DNS utilities
geoip - Country lookup on an IP
expire - calculate your account expiration
domains - list domains available for use on SDF
mkhomepg - manage your own webpage space
mkgopher - manage your own gopherspace
upload - upload a file using ZMODEM (works w/ TeraTERM)
com - multiuser online chat
msg {user} - send a message to another user online
bboard - bulletin board
faq - frequently asked questions
mail - read/send email (also try
lynx {url} - browse webpages
links {url} - browse webpages (w/ frames support)
gopher {url} - browse gopherspace
talk {user} - talk to another user
url {user} - look up a user's URL
ysm - chat on the ICQ network
pkg_info - list ported/installed software packages
whois {domain} - query the INTERNIC WHOIS database
logout - logoff
faeroes:/sdf/udd/j/jo> df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail %Cap Mounted on
/dev/wd0a 35G 1.9G 32G 5% /
nol1:/sdf 23T 6.5T 16T 29% /sdf
ptyfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev/pts
Change Password
faeroes:/sdf/udd/j/jo> passwd
Connected to nol1.
Escape character is 'off'.
NetBSD/amd64 (mx) (pts/3)
p - change your password
s - change your shell
f - configure your PUBLIC FINGER display (finger
g - configure your NON-PUBLIC GECOS field (Fullname, Office, Phone ..)
a - setup automatic password recovery
e - an external contact email address for dues and system notices
o - manage optional account features and social networking
m - reset your MySQL password(s)
w - reset webmail preferences
v - set or reset your VoIP SIP id
q - quit
(main) Your Choice: Changing local password for jon.
Old password:
New password:
Retype new password:
There are lots of limitation for free user to use those features or fuctions, such as change your shell. If you are trying to do that, it will require you validate your account first. Validate basically means a minimum donation, $1 USD by mail or $3 USD by Paypal.
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